What You Want From The Wii

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Sharkboy's picture
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What would you guys like to see on the Wii(be realistic). Games,Channels, Content, Firmware. Please put things Nintendo is capable of doing with the current Wii without creating a new system.

I would like to see
- Demo Channel -
-Away with friend codes(XBL like software)-
-Mic Peripheral-
-being able to read data off an sd card or usb drive for games-
Nintendo can do all this stuff easily. I think that most of these things we will see in the future hopefully before Guitar Hero: World Tour and The Conduit

Carlos's picture
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Online voice chat , better graphics , Demo Channel and no friend code.
And more games !

duksandfish's picture
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SD card channel- Allows you to use channels and VC/wiiware games directly off the Sd card

Possibly voice chat, with a mic that could plug into the bottom of the wiimote

More Games that look like Loz:TWW


Better internet channel that aloows for better file compatibility (video and autio files) as well as flash 9/ flash lite 3

Media channel; nore more playing videos and music off the photo channel.

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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just some more channels!! I like the lineup they have, but honestly, after near 2 years, besides the disc channel theres only been like 5 or 6?

Voice chat is a no-freakin-brainer, theres even a chip in every wii mote that can read audio. they just lack an input device currently (but then again, e3 is around the corner)

i would like to see nintendo make some wiiware games themselves. With the announcement of Mega Man 9 being on WiiWare, I think other major developers, like the big N, should try to release full games as well. read this article so i don't have to sum it up. and i cant find it. its on kombo.com in the main thing called wiiware possibilities.

Proud defeater of Mega Man 9

computeace's picture
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all above plus (even though they say they can't(probably due to storage which should be fixed))a dvd player
even better a blu-ray addon, although that would require more RAM

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bleu's picture
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voice chat
more channels(not useless ones, though)
more memory (which is sad, because the SD cards have A TON of memory in a tiny card, and the Wii has tiny memory capabilities.

Playstation Home Public Beta
MAG 1st wave Private Beta
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Public Beta
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Private Beta
ModNation Racers Private Beta
LEGO Universe Private Beta
Medal of Honor Closed Beta

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Demos. Music player. DVD playback and faster load times.

Cheers :)

Steve's picture
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some thingie allowign you to have 2 wii games in the main menu, better graphics,
i hate to say these 2 words with "&" in the middle but...a pay & play channel, that works like agamefly or somethign where you rent games.


"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

neder's picture
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1. what do you mean they have 5 or 6 disc channels 2. i would like to see demos availble on virtual console and another metroid

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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