Who is Getting Mario Kart

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nintendo1945's picture
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So, who is? I am

Dude129's picture
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I am going to try and get it I put down $7 for it so my fingers are crossed.

Hey check out my awesome website at http://stumpylumpy.web.com

Cheesy142's picture
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Ill probably get it

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ralph's picture
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nintendo1945 did u check user content for a 2 hr tour of the game it nice

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Lostman1027's picture
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Urgh...if I had the money

phantomphenoix's picture
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I would certainly get it.

Scott's picture
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I will be going out the day it is released. I sold Melee and Kart for the Cube on ebay last week pocketing enough $$$ to cover MarioKart Wii!!!!

duksandfish's picture
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i'm getting tomorrow of wednesday!!!! I'll post some videos just for you guys

FrostyWampa's picture
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I am.

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beyondmany's picture
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I pre-ordered it

kimberwii's picture
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I also preordered the game. I can't wait!

dangled039's picture
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I preordered mario kart from amazon, and an extra wheel. Too bad its going to take about three extra days to get here!XD

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TRANSiSTOR6ix's picture
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I'm going to get it.

bleu's picture
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I'll get it when I get it.

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Luigi's picture
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pre orderd it on amo

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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i just pre-ordered it from gamestop yesterday, i cant wait to play it on sunday!

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Napoleon's picture
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preordered it gettin it soon

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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I am HeroOfHyrule's little bro. so im getting it too

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Lostman1027's picture
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Did HeroOfHyrule have to pay for it by himself?

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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nahh we usually split it with my youngest brother (not on the site...yet)
but brawler does owe us some for brawl so he ll oprobably pay for most of mk
only 5 days left!

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RevoRick's picture
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I am actually going to wait a little while to get it. I want to find out exactly how much fun it is for me.
i like to research and test before i buy.
Except with brawl i got that the night it came out

bowhunter11's picture
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me and my friends are going to SAM'S clube this Saterday at 12:01 and going to get Mario Kart Wii
and Wii are going to buy a Wii there for my Grampa as well.

i love play the Wii i think it is the greatest thing ever
and if anyone wants to add me on the Wii addres thing or friend code for Super Smash Brawl email me

Scott's picture
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Is Sam's Club opening @ mindight just for the release of Mario Kart and a new shipment of systems?