who likes starwars

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who likes starwars

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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everyone likes star wars.... duh

brawler9686's picture
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I never really liked star wars not because its dumb its cause Ive never watch the movies. I do have Lego star wars for my wii and lego batman.

Steve's picture
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im not a big sci fi person but i like star wars better than star trek

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Alucard Hellsing
Alucard Hellsing's picture
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its ok its really cliche (even though its is what most cliches are based on) i think spaceballs is better

And that's my two cents

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FrostyWampa's picture
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Star Wars is easily the single greatest thing to ever appear on any screen any where in the world ever.
To those who haven't seen them watch the Original Trilogy (IV, V, VI) first, then the Prequels (I, II, III).

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