Wii Dream Titles

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ralph's picture
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What Titles would you like to see on the Wii? (Check out link below)

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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haha not bad
I want to see:

A good DK sidescrolling game (like DK Country)
a Kid Icarus revival
an Ice Climbers revival
a sidescrolling metroid
just to name a few
dont even get me started on new franchises

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dangled039's picture
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I would love to see a hockey game.

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ralph's picture
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yes a dk game sound good

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FrostyWampa's picture
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Bring back DK 64!! Just add new controls and better graphics and I would happily pay 50 bucks for it.

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Caltus's picture
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just to point out, basically this same topic was posted just 10 posts ago as the 100th topic post.



nintendo1945's picture
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I would love to see a decent racing game. ( i already have NFS: Carbon, and Pro Street I didn't buy).
Preferably Burnout Paradise.

phantomphenoix's picture
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It would be so funny if those games actually came out. Including Wii'r Homeless.

mfin04's picture
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Have wii forgotten about all the great mario games? I have all the Mario Sports games for gamecube, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Mario Baseball, etc. Those are all great games, especially Mario Golf. It would work perfect with the wiimote!

kentbphat's picture
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I'd love to see some sort of game where all the classic Nintendo characters fight each other.

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Podcaster14's picture
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I would like to see:

Sam and max
animal crossing
Halo for wii
LOTR Battle for middleearth

and a...

create your own wii game thing. WII all have smart ideas I'd like to see the ideas of Arvin and Ben!!


Dodo_JZ's picture
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kent: It's been done before three times already.

Cheers :)

Dodo_JZ's picture
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MGS4: Sons of the Patriot (for Wii) as well as pikmin III, and hopefully a normal Soul Calibur game.

Cheers :)

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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kent ummm
dodo_jz is right ssb, ssbm, and ssbb

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Greenbamboo's picture
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when are we gonna get the original supersmash for 64 on the shop channel. COME on nintendo, that was like the second best game for 64... with mario 64 being the first

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!