wii have some bad times upon us

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Wow those suck, but I heard Little Kings Story was supposed to be pretty good. The sooner The Conduit comes out the better, but in the latest developer video on Ign, they said they were hoping for a June release.

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yeah i was reading about that, without a rating or any acutal things it might be a naimal crossing clone or one of those rated M cartoony games

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This is exactly why I got a 360.

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you got a 360 so you could play mirrors edge, lego indiana jones, kung fu panda, portal, and viva pinata? the only half decant game is portal, ive never played mirrors edge, could be fun.

yea, those games arent very good. the conduit will be my only purchase for the wii. but my question to you all is, after the conduit whats next? are we going to have to live off of that game alone until another similar game comes out? one game can not justify the hundreds of shovelware that the wii has.

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Well High Voltage said that they would like to make an RPG for the Wii and that the've had a game in development for about a year. So they might have something else that we can look forward to.

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lol last 3 posters were xbox owners and spiderpig is the only wii defender

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dangled, isnt that the force unleashed on frostywampa's games? idk. but, Mirror's Edge could possibly be one of the best games ever (imo), its super fun.

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when i get a xbox mirrors edge is gonna be one of the first games i buy

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mirror's edge: 5 star. but its kinda short, and theres no 2 player. on PS3 there was a free ps3 only level download, so hopefully there will be more levels released.

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