Wii Headset

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Sharkboy's picture
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Everyone has heard about Wii Speak. Wii Speak is a speaker that plugs into one of the USB ports allowing you to chat with others via your Wii. I was wonder since the Wii Speak peripheral hooks into a USB por if you could just buy a USB headset and use it. I've seen quite a few online that seems like a alternative for people who don't want the speaker.

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i absolutely know that i DONT want the speaker i would rather have the headset.....but nintendo is STILL trying to be "child appropriate" so that the children who play online with voice chat can be monitered by parents who are in the same room and they can listen to what they are saying...im down with that for kid protection and everything but for older people that just ruins the fun not because ur being monitered but because it feels WAY less private which voice chat is supposed to be.....thats like having your cell phone on speaker all the time....so ya i would support the headset

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If it's anything like many other FPS games, then their is a speech range. A speech range is where you can talk and anyone within a certain distance can hear you, including enemies. The headset would offer the ability to whisper to someone really close.

And on a side note, I've considered starting a team for the Conduit. When it comes out, I'm gonna recruit a bunch of people on the site (first come first serve) to play games online with each other on a regular basis (when teammates are on at the same time). If you want to join when the game arrives (which means not now, but I will mention this when the game arrives), PM me.

Cheers :)

Steve's picture
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this better be a head set, i would hate to go up to my tv to talk and some noob starts screaming the F word when my parents walk by

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Caltus's picture
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Prior to this post i had no idea what this Wii Chat peripheral you all seem to know so much about was, been working over time for the last few weeks, so i did a little research a found this article about when the gamespot staff got a chance to try out the new add-on. They say it works well, personally i dont mind the sound coming out of the tv, but "big brother" isnt watching me. I actually have my Ventrillo chat coming out of speakers cause my headset is uncomfortable. I would be very surprised if at the very least Nyko or a similar company didnt come out with a personal mic for it so A) you could sit farther away, my couch is basically the max range from the TV for the wii mote, and B) you could atleast be the only one heard. Only time will tell, heres the link tot he article also has a few pics.



Also dont i remember reading a long time ago that there is software/Hardware in the Wii-Mote to support audio input, seems odd that no one could take advantage of that if its going to be in games, but i have no idea how hard that would be.

Shifty350's picture
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I would love a headset!!! But that jusy isn't child-frendly(lol)

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if nintendo or nyko does nto make a head set ill mess with my headset/mic so it can

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neder's picture
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yeah the next metroid should be like halo 3. and it should have voice chat with a headset because i don't want to have to scream at the t.v when trying to get someone to back me up because i have like 10 guys on me

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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spiderpig24's picture
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I think if Nintendo uses voice censoring software like Microsoft then they could censor words that they didn't want people to use. Then they could come out with a headest without having to worry about cuss words.

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yeah, but how would they do it would they do it like t.v and use a beep or what

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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neder's picture
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oh okay

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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like what?
im too lazy to read the page

wiilikepi's picture
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If the parents are buying little kids this I don't think they are concerned about language...

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neder's picture
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yeah but the conduit is rated t and its going to be wii speak compatible

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i dont really want my brothers walk in on me playing and then someone drops the f bomb

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its like when someone online says "you f ing fa*" and your mom's right there

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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