wii need help Conduit

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moneyr's picture
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just asking

do anyone thing that the wii will last till the next console release.i think that if conduit doesn't sell well wii would lose most of its adult croud. i realy hoping not to sell my wii for a iphone or any touch but if conduit doesn't sell i think that nintendo will keep coming out with kiddy tittles im just geting over my had with the wii not coming out with good tittle yea shore the wii has some adult shooters,drivers and others but thats not that many to the 360 or the dreeded PS3. We no conduit will be a good game but will it have the other developers making speacial made wii games with adult ratings

i now arvin and ben have talked about this but just need to bring this up because i have both 360 and a wii and right now i fell like dissing my wii for a phone and i think the only reasons i will stay because of the motion + and conduit,mad world.

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o i also forgot about halo wars and halo odest does conduit have a the power to withstand a big hit like that

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im selling my wii if the conduit doesn't rock my socks off

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Alucard Hellsing
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i would have sold mine by now if i was aloud to play M games

And that's my two cents

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neder's picture
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why would you sell it if you could play m games. the only m game i am aloud to play is halo and it should be rated t. hopefully the conduit will be rated t as well so i can play it

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Steve's picture
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i can play any game as logn as there is no nudity, and i think conduit won't have any

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Alucard Hellsing
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because has like one good M game (no more heros)

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie

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I took a quick look at the list of Wii games on IGN and not only are there quite a few good teen and mature games already out, there are a whole whack of really good looking games scheduled for '09. If you have seen any new videos for The Conduit, it looks like it is going to be amazing, and big news in a new Indiana Jones game coming exclusively for the Wii, DS and PSP with no confirmation on the 360 or PS3.
I am also super pumped for the Bob Ross game. He has been a favorite of mine for many years. Watching his show is better than meditation.

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i need this info, how long is career mode and

how many players on each tema online, how amny maps and how many weapons

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

moneyr's picture
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I'am not saying im going to sell my wii just because there aren't adult titles its just that they have more kiddyar games that the advertise with. mad world is coming out soon an i never seen a ad yet why. conduit needs to really sell of course the wii have some great features but it needs to sell not just me but every one that wants something else