Wii rumors

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ralph's picture
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Download new Brawl content:

In a recent Famitsu interview with Sakurai (producer of Super Smash Bros Brawl), he revealed that new elements may become available for download through the WiiWare service. Speculation says these things could include new characters, stickers, or even stages.What do you think about this?

New Super Smash Bros. Brawl Channel
A New Rumor About the Super Smash Bros. Brawl game Wii Channel according to a Japanese publication. A screen shot is available in user submitted content under the title of wii rumors

New Nintendo DS to hit at E3?
A rumor says that Nintendo will be announcing a new version of its off the charts hit Nintendo DS.
Enterbrain boss Hirokazu Hamamura guesses that Nintendo is announcing a new Nintendo DS portable console at E3 2008. The E3 Media Summit 2008 is taking place in LA on July 15 – 17, 2008.

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Lostman1027's picture
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Maybe the channel lets you browse and download content. Just a guess.

EDIT: I checked the source and found out that the rumor was that you can download things from the Super Smash Bros. Channel. What an amazing rumor!

bleu's picture
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I think that Miis should be on SSBB. THat would be cool. Also, I think that through the WiiWare, there should be Mii expansion packs for like 500 pts. for lots of extra stuff for Miis.

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Lostman1027's picture
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That would be neat. I would want a sombrero on my mii.

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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they shouldnt make us pay for em!
they should give em to us, the amount of variability (i cant think of the right word) is really lacking
if they could copy the south park character creator id be psyched

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They announced (leaked) that they had a new ds model in the works a while back, but they stated they wouldnt release it until DS Lites stopped selling as well. who knows when thatll be

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Napoleon's picture
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sony also said there might be a cellphone psp. THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN DID IT! I'M NOT SURE ABOUT THIS HAPPENING EITHER!!!!!! (im sorry nintendo):(

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Cheers :)

ralph's picture
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yes i would like to change outfit on the mii like shoe hats good idea

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Toys ‘R’ Us: Big Wii shipment due this Sunday

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