Wii Speak ?

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Carlos's picture
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According to Nintendo’s E3 footage, WiiSpeak is placed atop the Wii sensor bar and, unlike a headset, captures the communications of entire groups of friends playing Wii.

Yelinyellow's picture
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Yeah and what I think would be bad is if it picks up the tv sound then you get that high squeak sound

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Will it be used for other games or is it only for Animal Crossing?

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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yah that is cool i think that'll be the voice chat everyone wants too bad it's not a headset

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I wouldn't be suprised if CoD World at War decided to use it

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Sharkboy's picture
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Yeah. i think The Conduit will use it. Hopefully I won't have to shout at the thing. One thing down a couple more to go. Next we need to get rid of the friend codes. I hope we don't have to wait til next E3.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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It would probably be really sensative considering you can't use the Wiimote within 3 feet of the TV. I see this as an improvement to the 360 voice chat where only one person can use a headset and only one person can communicat when guests are there; the host. With the Wii, your buddies can talk to their allies; it's as if everyone is the host, so suck on that 360!

Cheers :)

Carlos's picture
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Yea, so suck on that 360!

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And users can also post messages to friends' cell phones and message boards. It was demonstrated alongside the new Animal Crossing: City Folk for Wii.

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hmm wii talkign online, im gonna try out my celebrities voices lol

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I think Wii has finally heard some of our pryaers. We are getting our hardcore FPS Q1 2009 and our voice chat peripheral. So next we just need to throw the friend codes away and get a XBl like online system.

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Like pictochat right?

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RockStarMan posted on: July 15, 2008 - 6:42pm

Yeah. i think The Conduit will use it. Hopefully I won't have to shout at the thing. One thing down a couple more to go. Next we need to get rid of the friend codes. I hope we don't have to wait til next E3.

yeh IGN said conduit WILL have 16 player online with voice chat using wiispeak

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when i heard this,i thought it was a great idea, and no hadphones on your ears :D.Oh, i'm pretty sure the thing blocks the tv sounds.

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i am getting wii speak with animal crossing city folk

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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