Wii Speak Channel

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- Consumers that purchase the $30 Wii Speak microphone peripheral for the Wii will be able to immediately use it for more than Animal Crossing, according to Nintendo.

The microphone comes with a code that unlocks the Wii Speak Channel, a chat system for the Nintendo Wii.

Up to four players can chat together on the Wii Speak Channel at no charge.

The user's selected Mii appears in the channel, mimicking the user's mouth to make it appear as if the avatar is speaking.

The channel also allows user to leave audio messages to other users, as well as make audio captions for their stored photos.

The Wii Speak Channel launches November 16.

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Carlos's picture
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This is Great !

spiderpig24's picture
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Its good to see that Nintendo is trying to make their online better by adding voice chat.

Trombone_Hero's picture
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Yaaaaaay! But when does the WiiSpeak itself release (if it's november 16th then I'll feel kinda stupid)

The Wii Speak will be very interesting to see if it is a very useful and great device, or if it will become annoying (since you can't really talk privatly).

and I do hope they come up with a headset.

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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that would be the best...

Steve's picture
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that be awsome if it was a head set, would get annoying for me cause my dog is a bark-a-holc. im hoping nyko makes a wii speak headset with the channel before christmas

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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ya i'd like a headset for the coduit and stuff like that but animal crossing would be fine by me for it to be the whole room thingy

neder's picture
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yeah if they were to make a new metroid game with online voice chat then i would like the headset but if they were making a new mario party with voice chat then i would like to have the wii speak

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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