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Alanna's picture
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I thought it'd be good to post a topic on just general, good to know information on WiiWare, here.

I did read something today, via gonintendo.com stating:

Nintendo adds new and classic games to the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time every Monday.

So for all you folks wondering why there were no games at a certain time when you wake up, it might still be too early.

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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that doesn't really affect me until june 9th cause usually i check after school but June 9th is the first monday of summer break!!

bleu's picture
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Once again, WHERE IS WORLD OF GOO!?!?! I know I've said it before, but it's not coming yet! Most likely it will come this monday, or definately next.

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Lostman1027's picture
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Heres a fact while downloading:

Theres a small chance you can get Mario and Luigi swimming across the screen while a game or channel is being downloaded.

Luigi's picture
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mr. president wahts world of goo. yes i know im suking up

bleu's picture
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Well, fellow fan, World of Goo is a WiiWare game that was supposed to come out last monday(May 19) but it didn't. You try to get the required ammount of goo to the spout by building a "ladder" of goo like a bridge or wooden rollercoaster support system. See this video for more info: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/32792.html

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I bought one of the new Wiiware games, and I have to say it's pretty nice. I bought FFCC My Life As a King, and it's fun. I've probably racked up about 12 hours so far and feel as if I'm just getting into the thick of the plot. It's fun and I find myself feeling as if I can't stop playing. I am using the pay to play option and have bought some DLC, and am almost out of Wii Points. It was definitely worth the 1500+ points I've spent on the game and the DLC. I personally think it's a good buy.

Cheers :)

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il get it in june

dareware's picture
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I read a thread from the author of World of Goo that said:
it will not be out until July or August.

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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world of goo is easily my most anticipated wiiware game, but there looks like plenty of other games to keep me more than satisfied. gyrostarr is supposed to come out this monday so ill definitly be picking that up. ive heard good things around the board about my life as king, so i might get that one too.

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