wiiware..missing the big ones

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Steve's picture
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ok, wiiware is great, but they seem to be missing some small games..umm..SMASHBROS? lol they recently added oot so ill leave that out but. last time i cheacked mario 64 was not in it, i like how they add new games..thats great..but i want to play my 64 games without unplugging the wii and plugging in the 64

please list any other games i may have missed

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also, they need some saturn games

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maeghick's picture
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I bought Dr. Mario and it plays really well. Not only the old school version but there is a new version as well. You can play with up to four people in person or online with people around the world. They did a great job updating it.

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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what your talking about is acutually vc (virtual consol) not wiiware
and super mario 64 is on there

Yelinyellow's picture
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Here are a list of games I would buy for VC and don't say I have an obsession

Indiana Jones Greatest Adventures SNES
Young Indiana Jones Genesis
Indiana Jonse and the Infernal Machine N64
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles NES
Indiana Jones and the last Crusade Genesis
Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom NES
Raiders of the lost ark Atari 2600 (ah crap VC doesn't have that)
ya know i think nintendo should get the comadore 64 for VC cause it has alot of Indiana Jones games I would Buy

Crappy Games I would Buy from VC JK LOL

Batman Returns SNES
Super Smash Bros N64
GoldenEye N64
Final Fantasy NES
Chrono Trigger SNES
and many more...

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

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indiana jones freak......jk lol, i love indy..oommgg i rmember that game (one of them) i rented it and i was mad when i had to return it..(to ebay!) lol

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neder's picture
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i wish i could've played those indiana jones games all i have is lego indiana jones the original adventures

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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