You Know You Have Been Playing Too Much Wii When.....

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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Finish this sentence: You know you have been playing too much Wii when.....

Cheers :)

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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When you automatically get excited every time you see a blue light.

Idk just made it up

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Napoleon's picture
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when you grab a wii remote as soon as someone mentions the word tennis or baseball

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when you are taking a martial arts class and when they say take out your nunchucks you grab a wiimote and nunchuck

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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when you go to guitar lessons and ask your teacher "Where's the orange button?"

bleu's picture
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That's funny, supersonic. Good one.

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got another...

when you cancel your email address and just use your wii (doesn't really fit)


when your sd card is filled up with brawl stages, snapshots and replays

oh and...

You know you've been watching too much WLTP when you find yourself at your friends house bashing up their PS3

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I like the last one, supersonic

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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Ohh I thought of some.
....when your Wii Sports age is 19.
....when you carry around all of your Friend Codes in your back pocket just in case.

Cheers :)

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when u go around to random peoples houses telling them that you "would like to play"

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...when you have an A button imprint on your thumb (not easy, the A is painted on)

....when PE soccer gets you expelled for improper use of the class pet (a turtle)

....When these words come out of your mouth: "No, you don't understand officer, i was just trying to power slide!"

....When people ask you your name and you answer, "0448-8932-5790"!

....When your reflexes make you viciously tackle, then continue to beat anything round, shiny, and brightly colored. (No one brings anyone balloons for their birthday at my school anymore)

...When you try to flip everything and anything that you cook in a pot or a pan. (who knew soup would not flip well?)

...When you ask a cashier "how many points is this coat going to cost?"

....I know i am obsessed when my Girlfriend's to do list includes "go to Andre's house, water him, and turn him towards the light for a few hours...

When you are up all night thinking of jokes about the about how you know your obsessed with the wii to entertain a bunch of people you have never met when you have a ton of homework and you have not gotten sufficient sleep in the last few days.

I need to get back to studying... hope you guys enjoyed my attempts at being funny...
It is 11:30 so if those werent funny gimie a break...

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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hahaha those were awesome man
i loved the watering one

Proud defeater of Mega Man 9

awahl's picture
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I have one: whenever your baby brother or sister builds something you run in and break it.


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whenever you take out a nunchuck when you get into a fight with your friend and tell him you have nunchucks

when you get an f for language for saying we is a noun instead of a pronoun because your thinking of wii

(not funny)

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....when Nintendo hires you for testing every possible game known to man (and animal) on Wii.
....when your insurance bill go through the roof as follows:

  • Broken Television
  • Broken Television
  • Hit self in face with Wii
  • Accidentally destroyed Earth while trying to impersonate Space Pirates
  • Threw stars at people trying to stun them
  • Broken Television

Cheers :)

Cheesy142's picture
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Dodo_JZ, Nice One!

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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...when you're asks you to play on xbox live with him/her and you ask "okay, what's you're friend code?"
(idk how xbox live works exactly but i believe you don't need a friend code)

...when you're at soccer practice and yell falcon kick everytime you kick the ball

...when play a 360 racing game and start turning the controller and yell "Why won't I turn?!?!?"

RevoRick's picture
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when you close your eyes you still see the pixels.....

when someone asks you if you have a girlfriend, you answer, "yes, but i have to save her from castle 12"

when you realize shaking your tv remote won't change the channel

anytime you buy something from a store you raise it and say "da-da-da-daaa"

try to pay in rupees

you use a wiimote as your computer mouse

you cut your grass looking for money

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when you eat mushrooms to try to grow taller

duksandfish's picture
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Revo rick, i do the second to last one lol.

Also, when you are playing tennis, and you wonder why you dont automatically move to where the ball is.

Lostman1027's picture
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You know you have been playing too much Wii when you buy 5 controllers :)

Cheesy142's picture
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I have 5 controlers because I bought 4 controlers then Wii play lol.

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billeh123's picture
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same here, i don't use it really for anything but it is a cool way to screw with my brother

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... when people tell you that you're addicted to Wii.


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as funny as it sounds i actually do use a wiimote for my computer mouse...
i can point it at the screen and use the ir sensor form my wii to alongside the darwiinremote software and bam. there you go

...i like the save her from castle 12 one

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

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yes i brought this thread back form the abyss know as page 6

you know you have been playing too much wii when you have a wiimote in your back pocket and pretend u can controls things

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

bleu's picture
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lol I saw this today:

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HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

bleu's picture
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I know! Funny, huh?

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lol it's so random, like god made u see it then see this thread

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"