You know you've been playing too much mario kart when...

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Napoleon's picture
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you keep thinking that everytime you are going around a corner you're dad is going to do a powerslide

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Getting to rub

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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you play it on double dash and wonder why you dont automatically boost around a corner

i dunno :/

Proud defeater of Mega Man 9

Scott's picture
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When you must restart your first race on the DS after you realize you cannot control the kart like you can on the wii with the wheel.

Axl's picture
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When your walking down the halls and think "Mushroom speed boost!" and speed walk....

Lostman1027's picture
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...when you start throwing abnormal size shells at your friends.

Dr Mario
Dr Mario's picture
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...every time you drive over a speed hump you try to pull your steering wheel upwards...