A solution to DLC issues with Rock Band

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Caltus's picture
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so to keep revenue rolling after release it seems that you will be able to purchase expansion packs from game stop, best buy, etc. These song packs will come on a disc and play directly off the disc so no extra storage will be needed. The game isnt even out yet so they are thinking ahead. All the songs are already available on the other systems as DLC and you are getting 20 songs for 29.99(us) seems steep to me but i dont know how much the DLC costs but ya'll can do the math, it always seemed expensive to me.

30 Seconds to Mars The Kill
All American Rejects Move Along
Blink – 182 All the Small Things
Boston More Than a Feeling
David Bowie Moonage Daydream
Faith No More We Care A Lot
Grateful Dead Truckin’
The Hives Die, All Right!
KISS Calling Dr. Love
Lynyrd Skynyrd Gimme’ Three Steps
Nine Inch Nails March of the Pigs
Oasis Live Forever
Paramore Crushcrushcrush
The Police Synchronicity II
Queens of the Stone Age Little Sister
Ramones Teenage Lobotomy
Smashing Pumpkins Siva
Stone Temple Pilots Interstate Love Song
Weezer Buddy Holly
Wolfmother Joker & the Thief

i think this is a terrible idea. I dont follow the games much but i do see the weekly releases for DLC and there are much more popular songs avaialbe via DLC they could of chosen by the artists then the ones that they did. Also what if you only really like 5 of the songs and costing 3/5's of a full game just seems up there. i dont know what do the fans of the genre say....good or not?



Lostman1027's picture
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...Rock Band still is a piece of junk. I mean, come on!

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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I'm still gonna spilt the cost with my bros to buy
i mean it's still a fun game