Bash the PS3/Sony

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LegosJedi's picture
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I think this is the ultimate "Bash the PS3".

dangled039's picture
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Wow, yes. I would have to agree, this is most definately the ultimate bash the PS3. Lol, good work on finding this.

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We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

Shifty350's picture
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Nice!!!!! PS3 is just too expensive its not even funny, & I don't think I've seen one long lasting game for the system!! At least not any that come to mind!

I was RevosBro.

LegosJedi's picture
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Well, it helps when I'm subscribed to, like, 20 tech sites' RSS feeds. XD

maeghick's picture
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sitting in class and i opened this, made me laugh out loud... it was not good... well the picture was. :D

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Yelinyellow's picture
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Now don't kill me but Its very obious why Sony is in the rust bucket but my uncle and I are fans of the PS3. I don't have one but he does. I 'm gettin one for christmas. For 4 reasons Blu-ray and MAG: Massive Action Game and the new Prince of Persia and Little Big World. BUT Nintendos are my main Gaming Platform Forever.
Once a BIG N Fan always one.
Not unless they go Sega on us. Too much hardware and Perifials not enough software

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

Steve's picture
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there is only one phrase that con describe that article for sony and ps3


"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

sand hokage
sand hokage's picture
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I Agree with the epic fail lets see what they do next