don;t read ersb rating for kingdom hearts 358/2

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Steve's picture
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it spoils a major cutscene (proboly the ending)

why would they do this? it's stupid!

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Alucard Hellsing
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that means its M (by the way is this game even out they already have a manga for it)

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie

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it's E 10+

september 29st 2009

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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attemptign not to spoil

welll if you played kingdom hearts 2, then you realize there's only 5 members of organazation 13, so you know the others had to go..since 358/2 is a prequel

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just preordered the game (i well i preordered in july but finally chocked up the other $32 to have it fully purchased

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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umm I'm kinda lost