New Wii Zelda Artwork Released

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spiderpig24's picture
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The new artwork for the Zelda Wii game currently in development by Nintendo has been released, showing Link and what I think appears to be a Zora.

This is the artwork that Miyamoto showed at his roundtable event at E3 after Nintendo's press conference. One thing I noticed is that Link doesn't have his sword. But if you look at the Zora, (Or whatever it is), you can see a lot of the characteristics of the sword depicted. As of now the name of the game or any other details have not been released.

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i may be wrong but i think that's the zora pincess from twilight princess!!!

TP SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!

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brawler9686's picture
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AWESOME CAN'T WAIT for this game and it is Zora for TP.

neder's picture
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its really kind of hard to do a direct sequal because you did defeat ganandorf and you would be going through the same dngeons again

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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not nesscarly, whe we left our hero


minda was broken free of curse and went back to the twilight realm. well, maybe link goes in gets put in some place and does stuff there, like a reverse time space contuieuim

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Yeh exactly that will be a perfect squel and neder did you even play Twilight Princess.

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Chyeah man
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Im so excited for this game.

We need guns...LOTS of guns.

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neder wrote:
its really kind of hard to do a direct sequal because you did defeat ganandorf and you would be going through the same dngeons again

Yet in the end of the TP anybody doesn't really see Ganondorf die. He just stands there and stares into space.

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i though he sponatiously combusted

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"