Nintendo Channel now live in NA

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dareware's picture
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"Nintendo Channel is an interactive guide to what’s new in the world of Nintendo - now available for easy download from the Wii Shop Channel. Watch trailers, mini-documentaries, product demonstrations, and gameplay videos. Browse the game guide pages to get information about your favorite games on Wii and Nintendo DS. You can even click to order games straight from your Wii, if you have the Internet Channel installed. Make sure your Wii is connected to the internet, and get started!"

Scott's picture
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I woke up to that wonderful blue glow coming from my entertainment center!!!

When I opted in to share game play data with Nintendo the fine print mentioned "To thank you for sharing your anonymous data with Nintendo, we would like to make avaliable to you the DS Download Service."

The DS Download service is located in the Nintendo Channel. Click on "Find Titles for You" it is the blue button at the top.


FrostyWampa's picture
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I'm really excited about the new channel! Can't wait to try out some of the demos!

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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yeah, i'm getting on shop channel right now to download it

Lostman1027's picture
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Sick...checking it out tomorrow!

Ruben's picture
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Me too

Cheesy142's picture
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I just looked at it. Its really convinient.

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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I've been waiting for this channel!!
japan's had it since november of last year
I love the download station functionality, I played demos of rayman raving rabbids2 and the ninja gaiden game, and dragon sword was a really fun demo. it seems like it could get repetitive and ive heard its short, but if they cut the price to ninja gaiden ill definitly pick it up

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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I've been waiting for this channel!!
japan's had it since november of last year
I love the download station functionality, I played demos of rayman raving rabbids2 and the ninja gaiden game, and dragon sword was a really fun demo. it seems like it could get repetitive and ive heard its short, but if they cut the price to ninja gaiden ill definitly pick it up

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Lostman1027's picture
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Download is awesome.

Luigi's picture
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damm rieht

bleu's picture
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Thats awesome. I like the DS Download Station.

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Poppa Trizzle
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i got the channel...
the presentation is good and it feels cool,
but other than that it's really useless.
I mean it's cool if you have a DS but if you have just a Wii (o and a GBA Sp lol)it's kind of a waste, cus you can probably watch the videos online. I was hopin for maybe wii demos...I bet it's quite possible. If there's a wii shop channel that lets you download classic games and Wiiware, a demo for a new game should be no problem.
I dno, maybe it'll be something that Nintendo will add for the channel.