Nintendo Moving Away From Virtual Console

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spiderpig24's picture
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Thanks to sales figures, which is apparently all Nintendo cares about anymore, they are shutting down the Virtual Console service and moving more toward WiiWare games.

Here is what a Nintendo Customer Sales rep had to say:

    We understand your concern about the lack of service on the VC as of late. Due to sales numbers being far greater recently on WiiWare than on Virtual Console, we have decided to steer in the direction of WiiWare.

    Also, we in America have no plans to update the Internet Channel or the Nintendo Channel, we hope you understand.

IMO if they put better games on the VC like SSB and Earthbound, they would have sold more. They aren't even going to do any updates on the internet or nintendo channels either, which leads me to believe that all they care about is money.

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i hope whoever though of cancelling wc fals off a cliff, your right dude, if they released..oh i don;t know, the godo games on the console, then we will have sales

( DK64, SSB mario ,64)

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The quote does not say anything about canceling Virtual Console. It sounds like there will just be less focus. Maybe just fewer updates.

And all companies are only interested in the bottom line.

samus256's picture
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Yeah they're a company, so of course they care about money.

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dear nintendo..your stupid.. if you wanted to get good sales, then release SSB on VC on the anniverity of brawl release.. too late now

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Chyeah man
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P.S Please make your nest system for older age groups and dont focus on 4 year olds.

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PizzaLover101's picture
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you should release tiger's adventure from the n64 on virtual console

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psss. release kigndom hearts 3 on wii, or else i will kill you

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Nintendo13's picture
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pssss. bring handheld games to VC

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spiderpig24's picture
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Nintendo13 wrote:
pssss. bring handheld games to VC

I don't understand why they haven't done that yet, they would work perfectly on the DSi. I guess it's because Nintendo has had a 40% drop in sales this year....

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I meant they should handheld games to VC

bring gameboy games to vc so you could play gameboy games on the Wii

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Nintendo13 wrote:
I meant they should handheld games to VC

bring gameboy games to vc so you could play gameboy games on the Wii

You can do that for free with the homebrew channel along with many other things.

Now if I could just get an sd card reader so I can get it/download it.

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psssssssssssss put kigndom hearts chain of memories on vitural cojsole, im too lazy to fidn the game on ebay and also put batteries in my advance

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