Nintendo - thinking about Wii storage solution

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“Statistically speaking, it is true that there are a small number of customers who feel that the flash memory is too small, while many others find that they have plenty of memory. However, because this small number of people are none other than the most avid players, we know we have to review the best possible solution to eliminate their inconvenience.”

I hope they do somthing before the summer, when I get some Wii Ware games, my Wii memory will be maxed out.

Do you think they will sell a HDD or VC and Wii Ware games to play from the SD card ?

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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oh please god yes
this would be a good solution to just one of the many problems nintendo needs to address right now. with wiiware coming out, plus my 10+ virtual console games, there is about 70 something blocks left of space on my wii right now. this also means that theres a chance for that dlc we were promised. gh3 songs at the beginning of the year, eh, nintendo?

and how many times have we all heard "the onlines not bad for nintendos ridiculous friend code- heavy system"

i need some good online. mario kart ws a step in the right direction, its true, but it still cant hold a candle to xbox live or playstation network.

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bleu's picture
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Yeah, please do add some storage solutions, nintendo. I also was wondering, why can't you back up your saves from SSBB on an SD card? Now it just saves to the Wii, and I can't take it with the game to my friend's house, or something. I think MKWii is like that too.

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dareware's picture
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I think that Nintendo will make a proprietary SD card or USB flash drive that will only work on the wii and the SD card/USB flash drive will lock it's self to the specific wii it's put into, making it useless for any other wii but at the same time they will allow games to run off the them.

This way they protect their content from being pirated, and at the same time expand the storage capacity which should resolve the issue of running out of space.

Sell it for: (my guess)
2 gig- $29
4 gig- $49
8 gig- $89

If they do a USB flash drive then the max will be 16 gig (2 8 gig sticks)

duksandfish's picture
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yet the easiest solution would be to allow direct loading from sd cards, and along with that update allowing support for higher sized sdhc cards (sdhc is supported but only up to 4gig) meaning 10-30 gb would be easily avaliable, and soon there will be a 128 gb sd card

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well, i just read this article and it should be of interest


spiderpig24's picture
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You can't save games like Mariokart and Super Smash Brothers Brawl on SD cards because they are wi-fi games. Wi-fi games games can't be saved on SD cards.

bleu's picture
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I know!!! I really wanted to take my game save to my friend's house to play it, and couldn't!!! That made me mad.

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I personally don't need more space but I have a list of WiiWare games I want that aren't out yet so this might concern me later!!

But you can always delete a game & download it again later for free!! Though I can see an intense gamers point of view so I don't know what they're going to do!!!

It wouldn't be that hard for nintendo to come out with some kind of memory system, I mean come on they're nintendo!!!
(Or Nyco could, they have great stuff)

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I really want more memory, cause in the future I want to get lots of games, and more future channels. What are all 4 pages for if I can't fill them up? Stupid Nintendo, they could make money off their lazy mistake.

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I have 867 blocks left on my Wii. But with some of the Wiiware games that are wi-fi, you can't save them on an SD card. So there is really no way you can delete it and redownload it without getting new friend codes and setting up new profiles. By the way, does anyone know when the Gyrostarr game comes out on Wiiware.

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I have 2 full pages full of Wii ware games, everychannel so far, and many virtual console games. even if gyrostarr did come out soon, like wikipedia keeps saying it will i wont be able to spend my hard earned money on it to play it. thanks a lot nintendo for keeping money away from you. Gyrostarr is slated for 2008, i havent found any more info on the release date yet. but all i know is i have about 48 blocks on my wii right now. and thats not enough. get to work, nintendo!

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wow, you've spent lots. I'd rather buy full games than that much Shop Channel games.

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A very simple solution for Nintendo. Allow USB flash drives that one you put them in they are formatted exclusively for the Wii so that if you plug it in to a computer it would say you need to format for this to work.

Along with this allow the flash drive to save the actual game saves so you could just unplug and take it to your friend's house without having to transfer the files. They could also allow you to take your VC and WiiWare games to a friends to play, but not transfer to the Wii. A little extra programing and that should take care of the issues with the WiFi games not being able to transfer and the Downloaded games from being transfered to another Wii. Basically, add a check to see it the Save file was created on this specific wii. If Yes then allow online functions, if NO disable online play with that friend code.

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I guess I like the idea of a universal usb stick or sd card storage option, but I would really love for just like a 10 g usb already formatted, Nintendo brand hard drive so everyones would be the same. And theyd all work. i guess it sounds stupid but id like the regularity of it.

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I'm guessing the the far future they will have unlimited online storage. Think about it, it would work because of Wii Conect 24 and all that stuff.

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If Nintendo does indeed decide to add a seperate USB hard drive with Wii specific formatting as josh mentioned, I might actually save more on my Wii. For starters, the fact that we can't download music, vids or demos off the shop channel, the drive would eclipse the amount of space a user may need. I'm sure none of you are actually at 0 blocks on your Wii, and that's only 256mb. There are 1000mb in a gb and 5 gb would be 5000mb which is the equivalent to about 50 000 blocks, which I doubt any of us will use because it's like 20 times the amount we have.

So back to the point, if Nintendo wants to be able to market this, they have got to have more free/dirt cheap content to be able to download, much like the Xbox marketplace, with game expansions, demos, videos, themes, games, dlc, etc. Firstly, that would make people want to use that much space and people would buy the product. Secondly, they would end up marketing more products like videos and expansions to download which people would also buy and thirdly, the Wii would become a little bit more user friendly considering people can download other things like videos and maybe just watch a movie or something using the Wii. I would love to use the Wii to watch movies and just chill.

Even though these factors may take away from the Wii's "home arcade" style feel, and draw more attention towards alternative uses, they wouldn't be prevalent enough to draw people away from buying the system, it would just be another pull factor that says the wii just isn't only for kids, people of all ages can enjoy the Wii. It's a win-win situation for nintendo.

Geeze, I could write a whole speech/essay about this, which I just did. anyway, in summary, USB HardDrive = good, Wii system memory = feeble and weak.

Cheers :)

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Again, storage would be great

I was RevosBro.