Retro Studios ex-employees signs publishing agreement

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Ex-employees of Retro Studios, the makers of Metroid, have started their own company and signed a publishing agreement with EA, which makes it where they can make any game for any system now.

Here is what it says:
Back in April, we reported three key staffers at Retro Studios had vacated their offices and turned in their letters of resignation. These three individuals were design director Mark Pacini, art director Todd Keller and technology engineer Jack Mathews. Speculation was the three left to start their own company. Well, that's what happened.

The three have announced their new company, Armature Studio, has signed a "long-term, exclusive" publishing deal with games giant Electronic Arts. Armature and EA were both, obviously, excited about the move. "We are very excited about trying to rethink how games are developed for this generation of consoles, and our partners at EA have been nothing but supportive in this pursuit," said Pacini. "What really gets me going is that now, no platform is off limits. That is just something we didn't have the ability to do before." "I can't begin to describe how thrilled I am to be working with the talented team that created such an amazingly well-crafted series of games," said Louis Castle of EA, whom would be acting executive producer on the future Armature games.

With Retro Studios making such wonderful games on Nintendo hardware, it would appear these three key players aren't going to be favoring the Wii, sadly. Pacini really wants to see what the other consoles are about, commenting that "now, no platform is off limits. That is just something we didn't have the ability to do before."

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Cool post. Probably will use it in the next episode.