Second Nunchuck

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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How many ppl here think i should invest in a new nunchuck to go with my other wii mote, because i cant play my friends in games like that and i sorta wasted renting strickers cuz i cant play it with my friend. =(
So as it turns it wouldnt go to waste, but should i get it or hold on to the money?

Cheers :)

Caltus's picture
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i got a 2nd one in my bundle from Circuit City last year, its great for boxing etc, if you have other ppl coming over to play i think its well worth it

phantomphenoix's picture
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I already have a second nunchuk. It was well worth it because now I can play with friends in games that require the nunchuk.

Cheesy142's picture
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I can play almost everything because I have 5 wiimotes 4 nunchucks and 3 clasic controlers

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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thank you all and i did purchase on on the weekend, and i played soul calibur legends with my friend the whole time we hung out.
way to go arvin

Cheers :)

Jack F
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You should've waited till the Wii Wireless Nunchuck came out!


Dodo_JZ's picture
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i have no cash as it is now, and only 30$ on that gift card, besides i need it for brawl, so i cant wait for the wireless nunchuck, plus i wouldnt have the funds, or for that matter, really need a wireless one, the cable is long enough as is.

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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I am not really excited for thw wireless Nunchucks, but I will get them when I feel I can afford them.

Cheesy142's picture
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Same here

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Steve's picture
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nother wiimote, *sniff* *sniff* poor dodo so clsoe to his dream of 500 posts then he died or something

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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umm i have 3 nunchuks
and o this topic was posted on mky 13th birthday!