Some great Wii deals this weekend.

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dangled039's picture
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Gamestop is selling Madworld for 30 dollars.

and is selling Punch Out for 40 dollars.

I am not sure if these prices will last forever or this weekend only.

this is exactly the discount on madworld i have been waiting for, will definately pick that up this weekend. and from what i have seen, Punch Out seems like a nice remake of a great classic.

Anyone with any information on price drops/special sales any time in the future, feel free to post them here.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

samus256's picture
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That's cool. seriously? madworld for 30$? That seems unlikely, but cool.

Click here to level up my card!

brawler9686's picture
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Yeh today I went to Gamestop and I did see Madworld for 30$$.

dangled039's picture
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another great game for sale, House of the Dead: Overkill is $30.00 at along with Madworld. (it's rated M if you couldn't tell by the title.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

brawler9686's picture
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I would get house of Dead but I'am not allowed to play M rated games.