Wii Speak = Bad Deal

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awahl's picture
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Apparently the very hyped Wii Speak not so great a thing... You can install it with a serial code ONCE and never again. You can't take it to friends house, use it on another Wii, or sell it.


RevoRick's picture
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good post, that is very helpful towards my idea of not buying it!

Steve's picture
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seriosuly! dang, ignoring that, is the acutal thing good?

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Greenbamboo's picture
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it really makes the wii look stupid, i mean, (since head phones are microphones backwards (a little fun fact)) i can plug head phones into the input of my computer, and receive audio just like a microphone. nothing fancy, just plain headphones. the wii is going to require download codes, a whole new channel, AND the the peripheral it self has a box in the middle of the cable, telling us that the wii can NOT take a simple audio input? thats ridicules. even the psp is more advanced than the wii in terms of audio input!!

Nintendo keeps making me more and more angry. First of all, when i got my wii, it would not take my wifi. I have 2 wifi hotspots in my house, and even though my DS could take both from the same point as the wii, my wii could not take either. So i had to buy a cord, to hook up the wii with a wired connection, something i could do without buying the cord on my play station 2

Then there is that whole motion plus business. Selling us something that should have been there in the first place seems like rip off to me.

Then there is the fact that nintendo seems to take it upon themselves to make sure that everything is kid friendly, so we might be getting a voice filter for our online games, if voice ever happens anywhere other than the animal game and the conduit

Super smash was such a disappointment it was a mediocre game all around, it was fun for almost a week, i liked melee 10 times better (and still play it)

If i buy this wii speak, (a personal mic would be way better and simpler) this this will be the 5th cable running out of my wii, and getting in the way.

well, i have said what i willl say.

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

BRAWLER9612's picture
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Ok, first off, Brawl rocks your moms socks off.

Second, I dont really care if you can only have it at one place
I mean who has more than one wii in their house???

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awahl's picture
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What if you buy a Wii Speak and your Wii breaks and you have to get a new one? Then you have to go out and buy a new Wii Speak. Or maybe you try the Wii speak and it doesn't work a well as you hoped, well you can't sell it.

neder's picture
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it works okay. you can hear the other person and the other person can here you but its a little fuzzy. but if you get it with animal crossing city folk it is a great deal

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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Spiderpig2744's picture
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I agree with neder. Its not the best but not the worst. (That remind me of ROB the robot for the nes) What i cant understand is why cant nintendo make a normal headset for the wii. For example if i am talking to a friend through the wii speak using its channel and my mom is right next to me having a conversation on the phone, my friend wont be able to understand since two people are talking.It would be a decent deal if The Conduit came with a wii speak for the same value as animal crossing with the wii speak.

dangled039's picture
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just another reason not to buy it. i might consider it if someone makes a headset for it, or it comes as a package deal with the conduit. other then that i think it would be a waste of money.

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Spiderpig2744's picture
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dangled039 has a good point

phantomphenoix's picture
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Wii speak= really bad deal which will make a bunch of people mad.

Spiderpig2744's picture
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So its decided Wii speak= waste of money.
Out of ten what do you give it???

I give it a 3/10

brawler9686's picture
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I wanted to buy it for the conduit but i already changed my mind.

phantomphenoix's picture
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I was never really into it so even if I happen to get it I would of rarely used it.

Chyeah man
Chyeah man's picture
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The only reason to buy it is for the Conduit but its pretty bad either way.

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brawler9686's picture
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AHHH I am confused if I get it for the conduit then ill make the game even more awesome than it all ready is but ill only use it for that and thats like throwing away 30 dollars. Also if I dont buy it, instead I can buy De Blob.

samus256's picture
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I agree, 1 time use? What a rip off, and the only reason I would buy it is if my friend got it, and the conduit, and he probably won't. Maybe if it was cheaper, like 10 bucks or something, but 30, I don't think so.

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phantomphenoix's picture
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Same with me. I wouldent pay for some one time use card and find out how a rip off it is.

Nintendo13's picture
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!!!!!! the Wii speak is amasing! and if you buy it used, Nintendo will give you a new code.

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phantomphenoix's picture
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Sorry I meant how a rip off it is if I couldn't sell it if I got board of it.

Chyeah man
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Hopefully later on Nintendo will allow a third party to release a headset although they probably won't because no one would buy Wii Speak not that anyone is going to buy it anyway.

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