New System Update 3.4 kills homebrew again!

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mattiassilva's picture
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So its here again Nintendo trying to stop the homebrew people, seriously why are they doing this.
they are making so much money on the wii right now, why do they want to do this, its part of why the wii is so popular!!!! When it comes to homebrew i think its cool, you can play and use freeware that people have worked on, whats the harm in that, and when it comes to pirated games, okay I agree its a little sad, I try to buy as many games as possible, but I wont pay for crap, you know I pay for Zelda, Mario Galaxy, The Conduit etc, but i wont pay for crap like Alone in the dark, so I downloaded it to check it out, I tried it and it sucked so I never played it again. Now if nintendo had a good way to play games as downloadable demos then i would have never downloaded it from piratebay in the first place. The gaming industry is generating more money than ever before especially Nintendo witch is leading the console war right now. Hardcore gaming fans pay for the games that they love, but we wont pay for crap, If you want your games to sell then make a good game and stop it with the wiimusic crap. The wii has endless potential it could be an online community for gamers to meet and make friends, you can surf the net, check the weather, use freeware apps that people had made, sync it with your NDS etc. So Homebrew is good and piracy doesn´t really harm the industry its only saying that the consumer wants something else and the entertainment should be delivered in a new way. You know like Itunes, ever since Itunes was created piracy has started to slow down in the music industry and soon they are starting with a similar service for the film industry. You know people pay to see a good movie like Juno or the dark knight on the cinema but they wont pay for some crapy film by Owe Boll (Alone in the dark, House of the Dead etc)
I couldn´t care less if nobody pays to see his movies =) you know what I mean?

Stealing is wrong, and piracy is wrong but to pay for something that isn´t good that is also wrong the consumer has a right to demand quality =) But Nintendo is going the wrong way about piracy, because freeware apps is not piracy and the new system update does not stop piracy it stops the homebrew apps. And the piracy that exist is a sign that the consumers are not satisfied with the way nintendo has done their structure. They need to start thinking of new ways to distribute their software and new ways to help gamers communicate with each other, to create a new interesting experience for their gamers. Instead of taking something away they should create something new, that would be a mutch better strategy to get rid of piracy and satisfying the consumers.

Check this link for more info.

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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ya i updated before i got on today but i dont do homebrew because nintendo keeps killing it

neder's picture
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why would you do homebrew anyway

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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*cough* i think that might have been spam *cough*
because you want to use more features that other people have created

neder's picture
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what, i just wanted to know why you would use homebrew (that was not and unecacery post and neither is this you guys do it to + all of my unnececary post have been deleted...

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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okay sure
alright back on topic please
sorry kinda my fault

neder's picture
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well you can't (can) really blame nintendo because they don't really want something thats on the wii that is hacking or something not authorized by them

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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duksandfish's picture
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Compaines will always try and do things to block homebrew.
However, with the wii, nintendo will always be able to block the new methods that the Hackers use, because they are currently only software exploits, meaning that they can re-write it without the bug, or write something else that counters it.

However, with things like the iPod touch and iPhone "jailbreak", that was a hardware exploit, meaning that the hackers had found a bug in the actual hardware (the processor in this case) which means whatever software updates apple brought out, they could always hack it. However they just released the iPod touch 2g, and because it has a new processor, it is currently impossible to jailbreak it.

So really, nintendo could write somed code that would stop all homebrew forever on unmodded wiis... But they just fail and make liitle fixes that the Devs can hack in less than a week...

bleu's picture
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yeah, i dont really care, cause i dont want to do homebrew anymore, and besides, i would rather my product not get hacked, and if nintendo is going through so much trouble just to stop homebrew, why not do what duksandfish said and just "write some code" to stop homebrew. Quit messing around nintendo. PS yeah neder, i did notice your post count went down like 100 or something.

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neder's picture
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yes sadly it did... but i don't really care... yeah i think homebrew is just stupid why would you want to risk screwing up your system

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i dont try any more cause itll void my warrenty

so ya

Trombone_Hero's picture
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I don't really like the idea of the Homebrew channel. Yes, it allows you to do some cool stuff and I'm fine with that. But 1. Nintendo (and basically ALL other componies (spelled wrong)) don't like people messing with their systems in ways not intended. 2. Pirating, if you have the ability to pirate games, then people will pirate them, which means Homebrew is bad, no matter all the cool stuff you can do pirating means that it just shouldn't be used... if you ask me.

But more on topic I think the update also allows you to transfer data between your SD card and wii faster, which is very good (

mattiassilva's picture
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Well, homebrew apps are good. Thats what Microsoft realized so they decided to create xna community games so anyone who has the time and skill to create a game can do so and distribute it threw the community games feature so anyone can download it on xbox live and play. this brings new innovative games to the market and the little people that have great ideas but don´t have a big game developer backing them up can get their creations to the masses. This is what the Homebrew Channel could have been for Nintendo but they are throwing it away, thats stupid if you ask me. And the homebrew channel was something they got for free! they didn´t even had to invest millions of dollars like microsoft has to develop xna game studios community. Nintendo its time to rethink your strategy, after E3 2008 the fans have been breathing down your neck and it is time to get your act together. A new Mario Game, Zelda Game and Kid Icarus game must come soon and its time to further develop your online services, the friend codes suck its to complicated and its hard to make new friends online, like Ben and Arvin suggested a free internet phone channel would be awsome. And how about making a deal with the Homebrew Channel guys and include it officialy as a part of the new wii operating system, man its time to get a harddrive! or other big storage device, downloadable game content, downloadable demos for all games come on! Its time to make us proud again of beeing a Wii owner!

I love Zelda Twillight Princess and Mario Galaxy I want to feel that joy again!

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meh i just uodates it, i don't use homebrew anyway but i gtg warn my friend lol

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Axle Shaddows
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Theres a bypass for this


Axle Star


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What is homebrew anyway?

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it's a hacking prject to do stuff, i seriously don't know the "stuff" part, ask duksandfish he is a pro

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I just got some crazy idea where that NIntendo should just create a channel where everybody can post up downloadable games for the wii. It's sorta like the wii shop channel, but you don't have to pay for everything. This might help stop hackers from doing stuff to the Homebrew channel. Like Microsoft Nintendo needs to do that soon or Wii (as the consumer of their products) need to demand this. This is America (and anywhere else you guys are) we have a right to speak up for what we want. Nintendo may be Chinese company (or Japanese I don't know), but we can still tell them what we want. They are probably do something about it if part of their income of money and/or some faithful costumers leaving is at steak. As far as I know we still need to demand this before this gets all out of hand. As for the future If Nintendo doesn't do anything about the hombrew channel except for just messing it up than some people are not like Nintendo anymore and not want to pay for any wii product. This will hurt Nintendo if they don't do something about this soon. That is all.

I know some of you are probably thinking "Why would I want to leave Nintendo?". Which I know you wont, but for other people this might be serious and they may be boycotting about this. Well I better get this post wrapped up so see ya'll later

bleu's picture
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thats actually a good idea. a channel just for homebrew that Nintendo actually made.

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