The Homebrew Channel is GREAT

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duksandfish's picture
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Well, I went against what I said before, and installed the homebrew channel, with wii menu 3.3.

It's really good, giving access to loads of homebrew that is avaliable, including ports of many simple pc games (there is a shoot-em-up game which is better than star soldier r, for instance). Plus there are two apps I like the best.

One of the is called ftpii which allows you to acess your wiis sd card through an ftp client from your computer, so you dont have to keep taking it in and out if you are repeatedly trying new stuff.

The other one is called Homebrew Browser, which means, if your wii is connected to the internet, you can downloadmost of the Homebrew pacakges avaliable through it, meaning this is another way to put homebrew on without taking out your sd card. It currently has about 50 things on it, and the good thing is, since it was designed for the homebrew channel, it puts everything into the correct folders so when downloaded, they work straight away.

Any questions about the Homebrew Channel, feel free to ask.

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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if you update the wii will it still be bricked?

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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yeah man i thought it was shut down.
duksandfish, can i ask how you go out obtaining the homebrew channel?

Proud defeater of Mega Man 9

duksandfish's picture
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Wll, the Homebrew Channel is fine with wii menu update 3.3, all that does is block the OLD Twilight hack. So, i reccomend, updating, using the new twilight hack, than installing the HBC like that. Go to for the new Twilight Hack and for the homebrew channel. They are both VERY easy to install, infact, follow my old video I made, but use the boot.elf from the HBC.

On another note, i am now using a really cool app that allows me to use my wii as a server! In fact, at certain times of the day, when i have the app running, if you go to this link you will be able to acces the files on my wiis sd card, and a usb flash drive plugged in the back.

Caltus's picture
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days after Nintendo patched the Wii Hombrew CHanel it was Hacked once again


Well i guess it was the wilight hack that they patched but either way it works for the moment