Black Wii Casing

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Greenbamboo's picture
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I am going to put this under Mods/Hacks, but I don't know if it really falls here... Oh well.
Basically a third party vendor (XCM) has released black casing that you can use to replace the white casing on your Wii. It's like 40 US dollars, but to use it, you must take the old casing off your Wii, voiding the warranty from Nintendo.

Do you think it's worth it?

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

duksandfish's picture
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personally, i think the wii looks nice white, although someone custom painted there wii black with a triforce on here which I thnk looks cool

Greenbamboo's picture
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wow that does look cool, i really like what they did with the Wiimote and Nunchuk

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

Josh's picture
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Not worth it. You know they sell wii skins. There aren't alot at major retailers but they should be developing more as soon as people get tired of plain white wiis. (Once they find them...(if they ever do))
Futureshop skins - Nintendo Wii Red Beard Log Skin
and Red Beard Web Metal Skin
Or you could just go to Decal

Skins are much easier to install plus you don't void your warranty and less chance of breaking your precious wii.

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