Wii Guitar Hero to Pc

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Cheeze439's picture
Joined: 2008/03/06
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I'm trying to connect my wiiremote and wiigutiar to the pc. I've managed to use your guides to get the wiiremote connected. I'm using glovepie to try and emulate keyboard keys from the button presses on the guitar but it doesn't pick any output up from the guitar, just the wiiremote buttons . Any ideas?

Cheeze439's picture
Joined: 2008/03/06
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Doesn't matter, got it to work, I think my bluetooth adapter isn't 100% compatible, it constantly picks up movement on the gy axis.

beyondmany's picture
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Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA3A8WAiQbA
Perhaps the script in the About This Video section will help?
Good luck.

Greenbamboo's picture
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does anyone know how to do this for a mac?

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

Greenbamboo's picture
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What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!