Instant User Communication

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Josh's picture
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I know Arvin's very busy, but maybe someday the website could have some sort of chat or something. Even is you just want to message somone by clicking on their username. Just a suggestion. Give me your input.

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duksandfish's picture
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A simple message featre would be good, like the one on youtube.
Also there could be a shoutbox on the front page

wiirad's picture
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yeah. i really think we need a PM system.

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Luigi's picture
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so true

Arvin's picture
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I'm looking into adding a module to add private messaging to the site. Hopefully I can integrate it sometime soon. As well I am going to be making a new section on the forum that is only available for logged in users so when we start running events or things that are for our members we'll be posting things there.

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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sounds awesome, thanks!

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phantomphenoix's picture
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I would be great if that happend