off topic and lets bash the ps3!!

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Steve's picture
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hello.. ive been watiing for you..(too creepy?, ok..) anyway, hey guys, this is for arvin so get out!! jk,

anyway, i got 2 ideas

1. an offtopic forum, casue our threads easily become off topicv so a whole section may declien on acutal wii thread rnadomness

2. a wtlp game, now i know arvin isn't god, but he is the wii god of computers (ben is the wii god of non-computers...) anyway, so could you make a game type thing where we literally bash the ps3, like the mouse is our hammer, and we smash a ps3, im sorry if drupal can't do it, but it was just an idea

yours truely
~ steve

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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that would be cool but do u mean like a flash game?

awahl's picture
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A Flash game would work best. I can supply the art if anyone around here is good at action script.

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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idk wat that is but wii (haha pun) should make a glovepie script for it 2

Steve's picture
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i should really learn what a glovepie is, anyway, ya, a flash is what i mean

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"