To bring the idea back up

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Camper's picture
Joined: 2009/01/14
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User offline. Last seen 16 years 2 weeks ago.

Hmm i hope this wasnt posted already and if it was it might have been forgotten so here goes.

I think i remember reading a post saying ahh crap i double posted or something like that
and i think instead of the admins or mods having to go through posts and delete things that might have been double posted(most of the time we accedently press the save button more than once or twice)maybe you should get something thatll automatcally join the posts together or if they both have the same thing on both posts then the post will get joined together but there will be no change to the original reply.

I know i didnt think of this first just to bring up the idea agin if anyone forgot.

moneyr's picture
Joined: 2009/01/05
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i thing there deleting old post on forums not the double reply's.

a post is a topic you want to talk about(ex. Reply to comment.

a reply is something in a topic like what am doing now.
u must have it mixed up

Shigatai's picture
Joined: 2009/01/11
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There's a system called intense debate, thats , its an awesome commenting system where you can edit/delete your own posts, and a bunch of other cool features. also, once you have one account for it, you can use that account for any other site that uses the system. So we should try to ask Arvin and Ben to sign up for it and put it on User Content and maybe some forums.