WLTP Merchandise propositions...

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Josh's picture
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I was wondering if when WLTP gets rich enough to sell it they could sell merchandise such as: Maybe a Wii skin or decal With the logo, or some Wiimote skins incorporating the WLTP logo on it or something. Or you know what would be even more awesome would be guitar hero WLTP faceplates. Or maybe a WLTP branded Hummer. Or if you could just have like a heli dropship with like a giant logo on the side. Maybe someday WLTP will rule the earth and just cover everything with their logo ( cars, buildings, billboards, small shrubs, etc...) But at least consider Wii decals.

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Greenbamboo's picture
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what time was it when you wrote this?

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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This is by far the best idea I've ever heard of

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phantomphenoix's picture
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that is only if the merchandice is so great that the people watching this show are begging for more.

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a WLTP weiner-dog sweater! rofl. yaa some more shirt designs, stickers,buttons, wii skins, wallet(random o.0) lol fake tatoos

also, if arvin payed me $50 bucks a month i would seriously wear the WLTP logo on my forehead (dont put "just 2 guys playign with their wii's" i dont wanna be shot..rofl

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sand hokage
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they need a wltp hotel like the nick hotel =P

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rofl sand, and a wltp amusment park and a water park

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bleu's picture
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then you might as well make WLTP World.

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sand hokage
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I can see it now people on a log ride like splash moutain but instead of logs there wii motes and instead of mickey mouse its Arvin and Ben =P

dangled039's picture
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this is pure brilliance.

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"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

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omigosh that would be kinda scary with Arvin and Ben in a parade or in a live musical show.

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sand hokage
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lol probaly would be scary

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scary, but they would do it for the right amount of money

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