New forum topics

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bleu's picture
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I dont know if this is just for me, but the "New forum topics" sidebar thingy is not updating with recent posts. Is anyone else getting that?

EDIT: nevermind, I think the sidebar is just new threads, not new posts anymore. I do like new posts better than new threads, though. :(

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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wat? so it only does new topics? omg that must be y i havent really seen anything new


Arvin's picture
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Ok, so here's the deal. By default the system has a block for newest forum threads. But if you are logged in you can edit your user account to show the Latest posts block.

Over the next little while I will be creating a FAQ section on how to do things like that with the website.

moneyr's picture
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can i be a mod


i though of this idea when arvin an ben pick a fan of choice to make a two min. video talking about the wii news in that region or country and it would be called wii around the world. you have seen this idea on news shows when they go to the weather man in the bad weather. like we don't believe them

bleu's picture
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cool. i like the way there are 2 boxes, one for new threads, one for new comments.

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