Small Issue

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maeghick's picture
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I have a small issue with the site. Some of you may laugh and that's fine, that's mostly why I'm writing it.

Why are Alanna and I the only two girls?

Guys! Come on now! Get off your lazy butts and convince your friends that are girls (and guy friends too) to join the site. Have them watch an episode and get them hooked. You know you want to ;)

--now you may laugh--

"Immortality is a concept. If you take mortality as being not death, but the foreknowledge of it and the fear of it, then immortality is the absence of such fear," Crake

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Hey, don't be talking, if you want girls on the site, invite your friends. None of my female friends are obsessed enough with Wii to actually want to be here (plus most of them don't own one).

Cheers :)

Alucard Hellsing
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Dodo_JZ has a point ask your friends to join and all the girls i know who have a wii are CRAZY

And that's my two cents

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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maybe someone could invite everyone's favorite Vice President of Sales&Marketing, Cammie Dunaway!!

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Shifty350's picture
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Yeah, all of my female friends don't own a Wii, & the only one that does isn't into it AT ALL!!

I was RevosBro.

maeghick's picture
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Darkshadowalchmist, I'm a girl and I own a wii does that make me crazy? Lol Probably!
Nah, I don't hang out with girls too much. They are crazy. I can't stand the gossip and the layers of make-up it's rare you find me in a dress, or skirt. Like Alanna said, more of a tomboy.
I find guys are easier to get along with give them food, video games, and the occasional Firefly and they're all set! Hah... am I missing anything?

"Immortality is a concept. If you take mortality as being not death, but the foreknowledge of it and the fear of it, then immortality is the absence of such fear," Crake

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Yes: explosives.

Cheers :)

FrostyWampa's picture
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lol fireworks FTW!

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haha the more fire the merrier! lol

EDIT: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed my 300th post! I cant believe it. Every hundred i get to i dont notice! sadness.

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ive been trying to get people to join, i threw in some subliminal message in my vids on youtube and the last few had some shoutouts

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maeghick's picture
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anyone that has a Wii that I know I am attempting to get them to watch at least one episode.

"Immortality is a concept. If you take mortality as being not death, but the foreknowledge of it and the fear of it, then immortality is the absence of such fear," Crake