Dead Risising: chop till you drop

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phantomphenoix's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 34 weeks ago.

For this game it is all I expected it to be. A very exciting game with a bunch of zombie killing. Of course it is like the last game where you have to travel through a mall, shoot or chop zombies, and rescue people in need. Of course it has a good story line. I haven gotten to finish it yet, but I am far enough into it that it is getting good. During the short videos the graphics are Xbox equivalent, but when it gets to gameplay it is somewhat not as good as the Xbox. The controls are also a little hard to get used to in the beginning, but you slowly get used to it. But anyways this was a pretty good game in my perspective.

Graphics= 3 out of 5
Gameplay= 4 out of 5
Controls= 2 out of 5
Overall= 3 out of 5

billeh123's picture
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My only problems with this version of the game is that they took out the camera. You can no longer take pictures which is a main part of the original seeing as you are a reporter. Also, in the original, there were thousands of zombies on the screen at once. On the Wii there are maybe a hundred. If you dont have an Xbox, it might be worth it, but the original is much better.

phantomphenoix's picture
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Yea I have noticed that. I don't have an Xbox, but I have certainly played the original and totally forget about that. This game may be worth it but I agree the original is better.

Steve's picture
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i got that "shop till you drop" theme song stuck in my head now

this a rent then? or a borrow from a friend?

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

phantomphenoix's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 34 weeks ago.

Since the conduit I find myself playing some games less and less. Including Chop Ti'll you drop