Guitar Hero On Tour Reveiw

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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Okay so Guitar Hero: On Tour has been out for about a week now and i finally got a chance to play it today cause i got back from a camping trip.

The way you play the game is very similar to all the other games in the series. Along with Career and Quickplay you can also do guitar battles where you earn attacks that you pick and send to your oppenant. These attacks are very unique to the DS like switching screens, blowing out a guitar on fire (with mic) and signing a teeshirt. Along with this you also do not play with a guitar hero guitar but an unique grip for the ds.

Guitar Grip:
The guitarr grip plugs into the GBA slot in a ds lite strait out of the box, but if you have an older ds then you will need to simpaly change out the gba type pack thing

The guitar grip has the first 4 fret buttons that a normal guitar hero guitar would have (green, red, yellow, blue). without the orange button the game wouldn't be as challenging right? wrong, the game is faster and more challenging to make up for the orange button

the guitar grip has a little piece of cardboard type thing that goes into the grip you get one with the game but you can buy others or possible make you own

This game has a list of 16 songs with new and returning artists
link to list:

Guitar Hero: On Tour is a must have for all gutiar hero lovers and the uniqueness of the grips gives it and little extra special twist in the game

Overall rating: 9.5/10

spiderpig24's picture
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Good review, the only thing that I would have to get used to is the strum being on the touch screen.

Yelinyellow's picture
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Im gonna get it soon but I'm gonna get The bundle pak witch come with a DS lite and I have a crappy old one w/ a bad touch screen

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bleu's picture
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that's a nice review. My bro just picked it up yesterday, and it's pretty interesting.

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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Hey, how well does it work for lefties like me?

Cheers :)

dangled039's picture
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Great Review! I have had the game for a couple of days now and its awesome. The strumming takes a little practice to get used too, but other than that its very similar to guitar hero on the wii. And there is a lefty flip option for the DS, it basically flips it the screen upsidown, so you can hold the strap with your right hand, and strum with your left. :)

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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yeah it's awesome i'll add some picks right now and i might right an aerosmith reveiw too once i play it more