Lego Indiana Jones Review

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Yelinyellow's picture
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OK well I bought Lego Indiana Jones(LIJ) about 6 days ago and have only gotten 4 days of play in, BUT I have beaten all three movie and have alot of work left to unlock everything. From what I've played I can say the game far out does Lego Star Wars on the PS3. The controls are smooth and clean. The graphics are good but aren't very discriptive because everyone looks like a lego. So that's a bit of a catch 22. The story is super close to the movies. Like only three things are different from the movies. I guess since the game is directed to kids but still fun for adults. Warning there are alot alot of puzzels that rival Twilight Princess in difficulty. There are alot of unlockable abilities and charecters. Plus I loved going to Barnett College and exploring Indy's office. It makes the game 10 times better. I have not gotten anyone to play it with me yet cause my mom sis and dad think video games EXCLUDING wii sports and wii fit are for fattys but my Uncle will play it with me this weekend. I'll be sure and post that later. Now for my rating.

Story - 10/10
Graphics - 7/10
Gameplay - 9.5/10
Difficulty - 8.5/10
Overall - 9/10

So there my 2 cents which is like fifty compared to yours JK LOL

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Steve's picture
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nice review i may pick that up, also, im a huge zelda fan and tp was pretty challengign so it may intrest me

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Rasheen's picture
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Yeah Indiana jones is pretty cool but I like Lego Star wars better I got to use to using the force... HAHA

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