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okay so my old one got locked down. sorry i guess people just can't take sarcasm. but here is my REAL review for the legend of zelda twilight princess

the legend of zelda twilight princess may have been a port but it is still a great game. the story is basically the same as the other ones: ganandorf captures princess zelda and link has to save her. the addition of twilight really sucks especially the first one. i like turning into a wolf but i don't like the twilight itself because the twilight parts take forever if they didn't take as long then they wouldn't be to bad. the temples are great. the only temples i don't like are the lakebed temple and arbiters grounds. the lakebed temple is just annoying and confusing, even the 3rd time (in a row) i played through it i kept going through the wrong door all the time. arbiters grounds is repetitive after the 2nd time you play it. i don't like how you have to go after the poes. it also just really annoying. my favorite temples are goron mines and snowpeak ruins. i like the goron mines because it is straight forward and nice and short + you get the heros bow. and unlike some of the other temples the goron mines is straight forward from the mini boss. the snow peak ruins is just really cool i like how you have to get there. also there is a really easy way to refill your:soup.
the bosses in this game are not to hard and not to easy but they are fun to beat. the game aims tarwds early teens so the bosses aren't supposed to be really hard. but as always the bosses have an interesting look to them, only a couple of them are based on real creatures.
there's also many other things to do out side of the temples. the parts between the temples are pretty fun and sometimes take a while. but besides that there's side tasks and fishing and collecting bugs, and beating poes.

graphics: 8.7
sound: 9.7
lasting appeal:9.8

overall: 9.5

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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spiderpig24's picture
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Great review, I would have gave it the same score.

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really? i though the grphics were great, the only problem is that i beat it in like only 8 hours, while oot still holds my intrest at 10 hour run thru

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neder's picture
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how do you beat it in 8 hours it took me about 30-50 hours to beat it

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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here is a review for star wars the force unleashed

the game is not great but it was something to tie you over until guitar hero world tour, animal crossing city folk, call of duty world at war came out. it was a very short game i beat it in about 2 and a half hours. it is a very annoying game, the back tracking is the worst i have ever experienced. i watched the video review for halo 3 and he said that halo (the entire franchise) has a lot of back tracking i played halo 1 and you back tracked once for a really good reason, however in the force unleashed you practically do every level over again for no reason whatsoever and every thing is the exact same thing. the game would be much better if you didn't have to go back to every place. the boss battles are amazing, they are hard they take a while and the way you have to do certain motions is well done and makes some sense. i wish they made different difficulty settings for when you wanted to replay it because it is not very hard when you're not fighting a boss. the enemies are very easy its like the grunts on easy in halo. but the boss battles are amazing they are hard especially the one in the lava place where there is 2 of the sam guys. the jedi battles are pretty hard because they have the same powers as you. the at-te (i think) is pretty hard because it has the side gun attached and it keeps shooting you while you're trying to take it down. it would have been nice if there was something like age of empires 3 where parts flew off of the at-te. onto controls. the controls are amazing it would have been better if it was one to one but it is still pretty good. swinging the wii remote fells really good the way you use the force powers is awesome pushing the nucnchuck forward is really neat. it is awesome how you can update your force powers and buy new ones with points. the graphics are about the same as the gamecube (maybe a tiny bit better) the coolest thing is the jungle area where there are flying particles all over the place . the level designs are really neat my favorite is the jungle one.

gameplay (controls)-9.6
graphics -7.6
lasting appeal- 7.1

overall - 8.2

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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my second run thru was 10 hours, when i knew exactly what to do

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I haven't beat it yet........ I am stuck in the sky temple..........

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its been a long time coming but i just finished the story mode for the second time and thought i might right a review for it. so here it is

only 2 words come to my head when i here the word brawl: awesome and amazing. brawl is one of the most anticipated games for the wii ever. the game is a lot better than melee. the adventure (story mode) is really neat and takes a little while to beat rather than the melee adventure things that were okay but not enough to keep you coming back to it. the story mode would have been better if it was in 3d because well it would have seemed more like a story mode rather than a really long adventure thing in melee. gameplay. the gameplay is pretty standard they give you 4 options: wii remote, wii remote and nunchuck, wii remote and classic controller, and gamecube controller. iv only ever used the gamecube controller so far me its pretty basic same old controls but it is nice that they add the other 3 options. for each character the controls are pretty much the same as the gamecube, but with the addition of the final smash it makes the game a little more fun. some of the stages are better built for 4 player and some are better built for 2 player. the graphics are some of the best on the wii next to guitar hero world tour and metalica but if you were only watching videos of it and didn't know what it was you could swear it was one of the 1st 360 games to be made. the characters look amazing and the level designs are pretty good. they probably would not have been able to pull what they did off with 3d. the level designs are rather interesting. my personal favorite is the jungle one. but they give you everything in it snow desert dark scary water and jungle so its every type of area you want in a video game. the extras they put in the game are amazing. you have the stage design thing the little trophy achievement things are a nice touch and the added characters are amazing you have a lot of the same old characters from melee but you also have a few extras.

gameplay/controls- 9.7
graphics - 9.5
story- 8.9
sound- 9
lasting apeal- 9.9

overall 9.8

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Jack F
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This review contains spoilers… You have been warned, BECAUSE IT IS AN AWESOME GAME!!! The games are awesome, the flick-it is awesome and the music is awesome!!!

When you boot up the game, you will greeted by a screen with a head saying “Touch Me!” You have to flick it up fast enough to get to the menu screen! My friend had a flash card and that is how I played this game early. The first game you have to play is a game where you have to flick a pole into to peices of wood when they hit the center of the screen. The music is also catchy and it follows along with the gameplay. The second game is called “Gee Club”. This is where you have 3 singers and you are one of them. You hold the touch-screen to stop him singing and you have to sing to tune with the other singers. This also uses the flick-it controls.

On this game when you earn medals, you are rewarded. When you get your first medal, you are rewarded with 2 new modes. These modes are used when you earn more medals to unlock more games and apps.

Guys, I do not want to spoil this game before April 5 for you guys, I will update and finish the review on April 5. I am in Australian and have to wait for Autralias release date :( Here are the rankings:

Presentation: 9.7

Story: 0.0 (It doesn’t have a story)

Graphics: 10

Sound: 10

Lasting Appeal: 10

Total: 11/10 LOL but true!

Originaly Posted On April 2nd


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first of all i made this thread so i could post MY reviews and have people comment on them not for other people to post their reviews

second of all what game is that for

third of all the graphics can't really be 10 because its a ds come on the ds graphics aren't that great

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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well it can be a 10
as in pusing the ds's graphics to the limit

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i guess but the ds graphics still suck pretty bad.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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Steve's picture
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yet again i stress, gameplay over graphics

by the way, look what arvin put under the forums as a description

Wii Like To Play
A place for your own fuzzy special connection with your Wii.

now i do not know what that guy does with his wii but thats a really werid description

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1st of all i know gameplay matters more than graphics
2nd of all thats weird
3rd of all he plays with his wii obviously

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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I beat it in like 10 hrs. I did collect everthing cause I had the game guide. The graphics were amazing too.