sonic unleashed review

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Nintendo13's picture
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aside from all the sadness, her is a review

all this is GT's review I made no changes

"Sonic has fallen on hard times. There have been some dutiful 2D ventures on the handhelds, but the 3D forays have gotten away from what make Sonic so great. Bogged down by awful platforming and other frivolities,
the speedy hedgehog interludes have become the exception rather than the rule. Sega's taking another shot with Sonic unleashed and this time it's invited a werehog for the ride....... yes a werehog. Sonic runs fast,hates Eggman, loves chaos emeralds and has a sidekick named Tails. That hasn't changed. But this time the world is torn asunder, via one of Eggman's evil plots, and dark energy starts spilling forth making people grouchy and even transforming Sonic into a werehog at night. Believe it or not, there are towns where you have to interrogate people before getting to the next level. It's not what you'd expect that's for sure. There are tons of cut scenes and there long they do manage to break up the action but they really have very little to do with the actual game play. Just like the last several 3D Sonic addings the game is distinctly split into two paths, playing as old blue, and not. Speeding though levels collecting rings and ferreting out shortcuts is generally a good time, but traipsing around the world looking for hidden temples to restore the planet, not so much. Each temple gives way to new levels where you gain doodads to unlock even more. The Sonic levels eventually get remixed with bosses and specific challenges but they're too short. Then there are the werehog sections, during the night, Sonic gets beastly. Everything slows down considerably, targeting back to early Crash Bandicoot games, we are constantly pushing forward with little pockets to explore. destroy all enemies and the door to the next area is unlocked. These levels last 3 times longer than the good old Sonic levels, leaving you to wonder when you going to be given the chance to stretch those legs again. Between the levels are the towns, the hub temples, and little side rooms to keep you occupied with some meager exploration for hidden goodies. The games hub structure is fine but once again we have a game thats less about Sonic, and more about something else. It simply feels padded. The daytime romps are fast paced and feel good, Sonic games have been known to play themselves but these moments are quick and usually allow for camera sweeps and transitions. Sonic has also beefed up his moves with sliding drifting and quicksteping tossed into the mix. there are plenty of alternative paths with added risk that add extra precaution to your play. The moonlit levels are about punching and platform, the ladder is dutiful but nothing special, there are poles to shinny, and platforms to leap on. Sonic's new strechy werearms will reach out and grab certain ledges if an icon pops up, but it doesn't stow much confidence when making a deadly leap. The brawling is problematic. In the Wii version your arms will tire as you swing right hooks and left jabs at wave after wave of enemies. fortunately gamecube and classic controllers are supported and recommended. Either way it's all about spanning your attacks. You earn new and there is a combo meter but the hit detection is a bit off and the repetitive enemies don't inspire much experimentation. when you've got a high combo count and you're still not having fun, there's something wrong. The brief encounters with Sonic are great, but the werehog sections seem to be added just so the game has some sort of plot. Those plentiful cut scenes have plenty of pluck, but in game the frame rate can dip south of 30 frames per second. environments vary from day and night cycles, but the enemy design is an afterthought. voice acting is appropriately saccharine, and the music is pretty good with some passable compositions. Sonic unleashed takes two steps forward with some of the best speed levels in resent memory, and one step back taking on yet another failed experiment, the werehog. perhaps someday Sega will release a game that is 100% blue hedgehog but this is another case of suffering though the bad to get to the good."

story: 6.5
design: 7.1
gameplay: 6.9
presentation: 7.5

over all: 7.0

P.S. this was a video review so I had to copy what I think they said
P.P.S. this took me about 3 hours

1996-2009 Nintendo13 (C) Nintendo and me (for providing the 13)

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...why post this if its the same one as on GT?

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Nintendo13's picture
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1 cause I was bored, 2 I wanted something to do, and 3 I wanted to talk about something that WASN'T about the podcast ending (did you notice 1 and 2 are pretty much the same)

1996-2009 Nintendo13 (C) Nintendo and me (for providing the 13)

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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ugh, please only post if its your own work.... seriously

Nintendo13's picture
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I SPENT 3 HOURS ON THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS GIVE ME A LITTLE CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ!

1996-2009 Nintendo13 (C) Nintendo and me (for providing the 13)

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This could be a job skill, translating verbal to written. Also I didn't plagiarize.

1996-2009 Nintendo13 (C) Nintendo and me (for providing the 13)

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the only reason its not plagarism is because you gave GT credit for it. and i must say you have wasted 3 hours of your life because this is totally useless. it would have been better for you to write a small paragraph about how good (or bad) the game was(really, it would have taken you 30 minutes max). give us your opinion! im sure every one of us went to GT and watched the review ourself, so don't just write what they said just for writings sake. maybe you should use common sense next time?

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because it improved my typing speed, improved my spelling, AND now I can stand your criticism..... there's three reasons it was NOT a waste of time :P (that is what plagiarism is DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH)

1996-2009 Nintendo13 (C) Nintendo and me (for providing the 13)

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I'm not saying that what you did was a bad thing on all levels, its just a bad thing for this site. it improved your personal being, THATS GREAT! but please don't share it with us. and for the record, i was trying to help you.

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Yeah no offensive but that was just stupid I didn't even read the first sentence and I think no one acually read the whole thing.

Chyeah man
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didnt this game come out a few months ago y the heck are posting it now. Also if you're going to copy it from GT and waste 3 hrs of ur life do yourself and us a favor. Don't post it and just give us a hyperlink.

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Why... what was the point? Make our lives better and don't do this ever again.

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lol, i think weve made our point.
maybe he should delete this thread? (hint hint hint)

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