Strong Bad Game Review!!

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Shifty350's picture
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So I just downloaded this game & I'll be writing a review for it as I play, as for now I've only played 45 minutes!!!

I was surprised to see that it was 1000 Wii Points, I thought it would be only 500 but who cares I'm not doing anything with all my Wii points anyway! So far I think it's really fun & it feels like the actual episodes (=So I'll give the creators some props for that they did a good job=) Again I only just got it so I'll be updating this topic!
so I played a little more & the game is really funny, it's kinda slow pace but it's not boring at all, I have to mention though....It lacks an objective updater(I forgot what I have to do next & I don't know if there is a way to find out)
Well it does kinda have an objective updater, StrongBad will randomly say something hinting at what you have to do next (So you have to pay attention & listen to his clues) It seems like this game is going to be short because the story has three stages & I've just finished one of them:( Now to leave you on a happy note, the game has lots of stuff to do! There are tuns of little mini games & things like that to keep you occupied for a long time!!! I'll be updating again soon!!


I was RevosBro.

bleu's picture
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cool. Im anxious to see how it turns out.

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ill definalty give it a go? how long is it? and is there replay value?

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i dug up my wiiware money, imma download it in a few hours..the comcast guy is fixing my tv

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Spiderpig2744's picture
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I got it a long time ago but i figured point and click games are not for me. (they make me go to sleep)

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I played all 5 and I really enjoy them. I have played all but the last one twice, and I am about half way through the last one. If you are a fan of then you shoud get them.