help connecting wiimote to pc

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borahwrestler66's picture
Joined: 2008/03/06
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ok, so i went to the website that was said on the wty got the bluetooth dongle and the bluesoleil stuff. but when i try to connect my wiimote to the pc i get it to detedt the wiimote and get the name but when i try to refresh it says service discovery failed. what is going on and how do i fix it. and yes i am hitting the one and two button constatly.

plz help

duksandfish's picture
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what usually happes to me is I press 1+2, then click the sun so it finds it, the wait for the light to dtop flashing, trhen press 1+2 again then dicover the services and connect

borahwrestler66's picture
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yeah i have tried that and it still says the same thing.what is wrong with it??????????????? i wish i knew:(

beyondmany's picture
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borahwrestler66, did you view the Wii teach You episode for PCs?