wii system memory currupt?

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samus256's picture
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Today I got random message on the wii saying. Wii system memory is corrupted. please refer to the wii operations manual for trobble shooting options. Or something like that.

As far as I know nothing's wrong, but I'll tell if something come's up.

Any answers/ideas? Maybe it's just a glitch?

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brawler9686's picture
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I don't know but mabey you have lots of saved Data in your wii and it's going hay wire on you. You should really consider getting an SD card.

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i think i got that one once.... i just shut it down and tried the game again

samus256's picture
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brawler9686 wrote:
I don't know but mabey you have lots of saved Data in your wii and it's going hay wire on you. You should really consider getting an SD card.

except I do have an sd card and I don't very much data on my wii be cause I put all my vc/wiiware games on an sd card.

I guess if nothing crazy happens and I don't get the message again I'll just ignore it. But thanks anyway.

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Steve's picture
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ig ot that, i kicked the wii shut off, restarted and it was fine

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Jack F
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Steve wrote:
ig ot that, i kicked the wii shut off, restarted and it was fine



Jack F
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You should have hacked your Wii to be unbrickable! Mine is!


Spiderpig2744's picture
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If your wii memory is corrupt I think you have to format it from the the wii options. Just click wii options a nd go to the last section and there you will find format wii which will basically get rid of every bit of memory on your wii including downloaded games( you can re download them in the wii shop channel)

phantomphenoix's picture
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I have had this problem, about twice, and I am still not getting what is wrong. It works when I restart it, but I havent noticed any problems since then.