SD Card for the Wii

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kimberwii's picture
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I'm just wondering if you need the specific Wii SD Card, or if any old SD card would do the trick for transferring screen caps and such from your Wii onto your PC. Thanks!

duksandfish's picture
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any card under 4gb should be fine, and you can use sdhc as well, but it still must be under 4 gb

judland's picture
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The one in my Wii at the moment is a SanDisk... if that helps at all

duksandfish's picture
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i have 2 kingston sdhc cards and a 1gb integral card and they all work fine.

Cheesy142's picture
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I was talking on IRC and someone said you can only have up to 2gb.

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kimberwii's picture
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Awesome! Thank you!

Arvin's picture
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I'm pretty sure Duksandfish is right. Any SD under 4gb will work.

Cheesy142's picture
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would a 4gb work or does it have to be under 4gb?

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Scott's picture
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Nintendo's website says only 2GB or less cards will work.

"The Wii console is only compatible with SD Cards that are 2 GB (Gigabyte) or less. Cards with a capacity higher than 2 GB will likely not work with the Wii console."

duksandfish's picture
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my friend has a 4 gb card though, but i dont think you can use all the space though as it says 9999 blocks when you transfer data

kentbphat's picture
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Anyone looking to get one should visit I buy a lot of stuff from them.

2gb sd cards are like $9.95 US.

My two cents.

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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I use a Kodak 512MB. Not particularly large, but that's where I shove my over 350 SSBB screenshots and 20 replays as well as my stages. Sad how the Wii has less memory in it's harddrive than I tiny little SD card 4000>2000 any day.

Cheers :)

brawler9686's picture
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I acually got one in a good price in circuit city mine was 3.00 for 2GB.

bleu's picture
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dang 3 bucks? probably cause Circuit City is going out of business. (at least in Texas) (long live BestBuy)

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i got one on amazon for i think 5 bucks ( and a gamecube memory on ebay for 10)

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