The Official Guitar Hero Thread

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Alucard Hellsing
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brawler9686 wrote:
Hey all of you GH is for nerds who don't have lives(JK I have GH 3 and 4).

i was about to say gh is one of the least nerddy games on the wii

And that's my two cents

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Master Of Puppets
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sweet Metallica guitar hero can't wait

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lol gutair hero is extrmely unnerdy

back on topic,

mettalica will own, but we still need inoke eerati guitat hero

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Master Of Puppets
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Steve wrote:

mettalica will own, but we still need inoke eerati guitat hero


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wiilikepi's picture
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Master Of Puppets wrote:
Steve wrote:

mettalica will own, but we still need inoke eerati guitat hero


How do you not know who they are??

that's the url to their music. But, seriously at the end of the podcast they even advertise them saying thanks for the music.

according to Arvin designed the site" =O

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Master Of Puppets
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oh i was wondering whos myspace that was i mean i like little know bands (the first person to qoute a birtday massacre song get 100$) but nope never heard of them

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Alucard Hellsing
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Master Of Puppets wrote:
the first person to qoute a birtday massacre song get 100$

"we kill the lights and put on a show
its all a lie but you'd never know
this star will shine and then it will fall
and you will forget it though"
weres my prize ^^

And that's my two cents

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General B4
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I've heard GH Metallica is amazing, and as for the drum pedal being seperate, I believe it has been comfirmed that they will sell it seperately, but at a later date. I'm pumped for the greatest hits, b/c i have from GH 3 on (i want to get metallica) so it will be a great chance to get all of the great songs i missed (plus all instruments!).

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Master Of Puppets
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Alucard Hellsing wrote:

"we kill the lights and put on a show
its all a lie but you'd never know
this star will shine and then it will fall
and you will forget it though"
weres my prize ^^

how did you know that 0_o

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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Okay here are two three things i wanna put it:

the extra foot pedal is currently on red octane's site:;jsessionid=0a01074e1f43c47efde9b9c0488eb6c6c56795d7e782.e3eTaxeKbh0Te34Pa38Ta38Oahb0?leadsource=5

and according to greatest hits is now called smash hits

and does ne1 no anything about the keyboard?

samus256's picture
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Keyboard?!?!?!??? What keyboard??

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