know your hosts

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hi guys, as you know or not, some guys named ben and arvin are the podcast hosts (it's still a rumor though)

so, really what do we know about these guys?

for example, what other sites does arvin have

also, for ben, he is an english major, and he mentions school alot..
is he a teacher or still becoming one?

so does anyone know these answers

( ps. ben share some poetry with us)

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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well, here are arvin's websites:

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What do you want to know?
And there is no way any of my crappy poetry is going on the site. It is really really, embarrassingly bad.

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You should! Even like a short poem about Wii or WLTP

It can't be that embarrassing too.

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i vote yes. GO BEN!!

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well to get back on topic this rumor is true that they are the hosts of this site and ben is a english major (I think). Well I know he is studying english. I dont know that much about arvin except he is the Tech guy and he manages the site. That is all I know about our hosts.

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If you want to know something you have to ask questions.

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this word of advice has been brought to you by Ben. Join us tomorrow for poetry by Ben

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okay, ben (and arvin)
are you a mac or pc???

awahl's picture
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Hey Ben, do you have any nicknames (aside from Ben)?

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Ben, if you put up one of your poems, I'll put up one of my own poems that I wrote for this girl that I liked.

Chyeah man
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Have u gotten a girlfriend yet Ben?

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Arvin and I both have MacBooks. I tend to buy whatever computer Arvin gets as I know it will do way more than I need. But we both decided Mac was the way to go.
Arvin often has his on the show. You can actually see our old laptops in the early episodes.

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Yes I do have a nickname. Which is "German".
My name is Ben, not Benjamin, so my brother started calling me "German" because whenever anyone called me Benjamin, he decided that they must be calling me Ben "German".
But I am actually Dutch, so it is an ironic nickname.

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I have to think about it. Tempting offer. (Re. Poem & Shigatai)

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No, I don't have a girlfriend yet. I tell people it is for comedy reasons, because the show and secret project are much funnier if I am single.
The real reason is a lack of time and living in a different city temporarily.

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I see. Haha whoops. I've got a friend who's name is Rod. It's not short for Rodney or anything. It's just Rod.

Thanks, German!

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hey german, are you in school or are you a teacher?

ps.. 1..2..3..4!

4 posts by ben ina row! he is cheating to get his post count up! lol

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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Ben wrote:
Arvin and I both have MacBooks. I tend to buy whatever computer Arvin gets as I know it will do way more than I need. But we both decided Mac was the way to go.
Arvin often has his on the show. You can actually see our old laptops in the early episodes.


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Will there ever be a live podcast ( episode 50 or 100 )
How old are you guys?

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

Alucard Hellsing
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i want to here a pome by ben heres one of mine
The mouth of the just mediates wisdom,
And his tongue shall speak judgement.
Blessed is the man who endures temptation,
For, once he has been tried,
He shall receive the crown of life.
Oh Lord, oh Holy Fire, have mercy!
Oh, how sacred, how serene,
How benevolent, how lovely,
Oh lily of chastity.

-_-' i just wrote it quick and used some big words

And that's my two cents

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hey ben posts some ryhmes
the worst thing that could happen are them being a crime
arvin would laugh at them, we would too
but we laugh at the poem, not at you
if you don't ill cross the border
and chase you down and make you bring order
to this site and post a poem
or i will bring back jeroboam
and you will be scared and run with fear
as we laugh of our ear
then you will be forced to post
then we will like you most
then jealous arvin will get
but wait ben, do not fret
as your poem is probly good
as we knew it provbly would.

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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I am still in school. But I am in school to become a teacher. The irony is delicious.

And I am a host therefore I can do what I like... until we get moderators that is.

But seriously, multiple posting is the only way I can keep track of what I have answered.

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MacBooks are awesome. I just wish I had one of the super cool new ones now.

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Live Podcast? Not likely. That was one of Arvin and my first ideas, but the logistics of it are just too complicated. That and we don't want to end up being potty mouths or something.

I am 27. I'll let Arvin tell his own age.

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i was just kidding about the multiple posts lol

so you and arvin say you don't have many games, what games do you have then?

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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Guitar Hero 3
Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime 3
Need for Speed: Prostreet
NHL 2k9
No More Heroes
Resident Evil 4
Wii Fit
Link's Crossbow
And I am too lazy to turn on my Wii for the downloaded ones, but it is just like the first three Marios, Punchout, Strong Bad 1, First Link etc.
Mostly I was trying to go back and play the games I didn't as a child.

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cool, (just on vitural console)

i have mario kart 64 (pointless since i got mario wii)

orignal sonic (he had brown shoes, who knew)

and orignal metriod ( takes 2 hours for a save point, it sucks)

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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When will the next wii teach you happen?

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

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That is up to Arvin as it is his section. I wouldn't expect one until the summer. He MIGHT get more time then.

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okay my turn,